Defined Benefit Pension Summary Plan Description
3. When is my pension vested?
Vesting (having a guaranteed right to a pension benefit) can be achieved in five (5) ways:
- At completion of five (5) Vesting Service Years for:
- Participants entering the Plan on or after July 1, 1999; or
- Participants entering the Plan prior to July 1, 1999, who worked 375 hours from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 and more than one (1) hour after July 1,1999; or
- Participants entering the Plan prior to July 1, 1999 who did not work 375 hours from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, but who re-enter the Plan after July 1, 1999 and work one (1) additional Vesting Service Year.
- While still an active employee at the later of:
- The 5th anniversary of your first Covered Hour; or
- Your 65th birthday.
- At completion of five (5) Vesting Service Years for Participants with one (1) Vesting Service Year earned after July 1, 1989 and while the Participant was not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
- At completion of 10 Years of Total Credited Service. To vest with 10 years of Total Credited Service, at least two (2) of the years must be Credited Future Service.
- At completion of 10 Vesting Service Years for Participants entering the Plan prior to July 1, 1999 who did not work both 375 hours from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 and at least one (1) hour after July 1, 1999 but after July 1, 1999 did not complete one (1) additional Vesting Service Year.