Disability - Temporary/Workers Compensation
While temporary disability may not have the same long-term effects as a permanent disability, it is still important to understand the issues surrounding your present situation. You will have to make the decision, perhaps in consultation with your health care professional as to when and whether it is feasible for you to return to your current job or to find other temporary work instead. Vocational rehabilitation can help you greatly in quickly returning to work. While the Social Security Administration does not provide these services, it is able to help pay for them under certain circumstances.
It is also to your advantage to look through this web site to find the covered medical services that apply to your particular situation. This research might also help you figure out a medical and rehabilitation plan that suits your needs as well as your budget. It may also be helpful to find out what benefits are available to you through your spouse's plan.
Plan Checklist
Items regarding the Health Plans apply only to participants in the Southern California IBEW-NECA Health Plans. However, if you participate in another electrician health plan, it is likely that similar considerations will apply.
- If you become disabled while working in covered employment as an Employee, and you meet the other applicable provisions, you can receive 40 hours of credit towards health eligibility for each week that you remain disabled, up to a total of 26 weeks.
- Go over the rules concerning the limited disability extensions to
coverage and COBRA continuation coverage rules. Continued Health
coverage is an essential ingredient to dealing with your disability.
Also Consider...
Planning Notes:
If there is a possibility that your disability may become permanent, you should review the Life Event page regarding
Permanent Disability to help prepare yourself financially.